Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Birthday Week

I had quite a fun week - my birthday was last Tuesday. Even though the day was spent in the air flying back to San Francisco from home (Rochester, NY) it ended in a delicious dinner, free dessert and a serenade from three handsome Italian waiters at my favorite restaraunt in San Francisco - E' Tutto Qua
Delicious E' Tutto Qua Banana Tiramasu

On Saturday my wonderful boyfriend Scott threw me a birthday party at my most favorite bar in San Francisco - Kennedy's Irish Pub and Curry House. This is my second annual party (one in 2008, one in 2010 - I was traveling in 2009 on my birthday). 
My 2008 birthday celebration - photo credit Jess Loves Cupcakes

Many of my friends came out to help me celebrate and it was great to see everyone! I love the great mix of amazing indian food, fantastic beer selection and big buck hunter. Big buck hunter is my dark dirty secret - its my favorite bar game, the most right wing, republican part of me!
Photo from 2008 birthday celebration - photo credit Jess Loves Cupcakes

Sunday was spent cheering España in the world cup. We tried to go to Public House but got there a bit too late and ended up at Momo's instead - which was fine by me as it is one of the places I've wanted to go since moving to SF. Not being a huge soccer fan to begin with - my allegiance to España came from my wonderful memories of my 2006 Barcelona trip. I know its a crappy way to pick a team to root for - but looks like it ended up being the right choice.

The only bad part about Momo's was the fact that we had to sit at a tallboy table. What's so bad about a tallboy table? The chairs. The average tallboy stool is made for a person who can comfortably sit on it - and possibly rest one foot on the ground. Not so much for those of us who are vertically challenged like yours truly. Little do you know how uncomfortable it is to swing your feet like a 5 year old. Cute as it is - all the blood rushes to your ankles. Insta-cankle. Not fun. Boooo chairs that are too tall... Hooray Beer!


  1. now you can be a weirdo like me and take pictures of your food all the time. people don't usually stare (too) hard when you do it. lol
