Sunday, August 8, 2010

Blame Andrew...

For those of you who have been wondering why I haven't had any posts about being short since "five things I'm too short to do..." it is becuase I have been holding off on writing my new post until I get a very important photo from my dear friend Andrew (see below)
this is Andrew... and he's holding my photo hostage...

He just moved into a new apartment and can't seem to find it... Get on it Andrew! The world waits!

My Murtaugh List

Following the blog postings of Jenny @ GeekInHeels and my dear friend Jessica @ JessLovesCupcakes I too have decided to detail out my Murtaugh List. For those of you who watch How I Met Your Mother (affectionately known as HIMYM) you recall that there was an episode in season 4 titeled "Murtaugh".

Urban dictionary defines "Murtaugh List" as the following:
A list made famous from the TV show "How I Met Your Mother" inspired by Danny Glover's charater Roger Murtaugh in the movie series "Lethal Weapon." Murtaugh's catch phrase in these movies was "I'm too old for this shit" Putting something on the Murtaugh List acknowledges that as you grow up, there's stuff you just can no longer do that you did in your youth.

So ... I decided it was time to come up with my own list as well...  
  1. Eat anything that comes out of an aerosol can (with the exception of whip cream)
  2. Try and use my college ID to get discounted tickets at movies (sadly the photo on my ID is 11 years old but I do not look any different - including my hair... this should be an issue)
  3. Shop for shoes in the kids department (my feet are still small enough that they fit)
  4. Decorate my house with pillows that are shaped like cartoon characters
  5. Eat food that is prepared by "just adding water" or says "no cooking needed" as an entire meal (I lived off of this in college)
  6. Drink so much that I end up eating at a diner past 3am (to be fair - I went out hard enough last weekend that I ended up at a diner - but I was home by 3am... so... there)
  7. Wear any cosmetic product that is primary made of glitter
  8. Get a tattoo (yes... its just too late for me)
  9. Go to a frat party (my kid sister tried to get me to go when I visited her at Northwestern during Halloween... something about drinking natty ice from a keg just didn't sit well with me)
  10. Order off the kids menu at a restaurant (sike - i'll do this everytime they let me!)