Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Fiancée....

My dear fiancée, the man who I am looking forward to spending the rest of my life with - and the one who I like to believe is a is the inspiration for this blog... DOESN'T READ IT.

Yeah... This guy. 
For those of you who know him. Please chastise at will. kthxbai.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


My parents never let me go to concerts as a kid - it aggravated the crap out of me. Even when my favorite band Dave Matthews toured with my other favorite band Guster (yes I am obviously a child of the 90s) toured upstate New York the year I graduated high school - still couldn't go. SO sad.

Anyway - to fufill one of my childhood dreams I decided to go to a Barenaked Ladies concert. Now - I know you are like "wtf - they still exist? after that chinese chicken song?" Guess what - yes. yes they do. And they are beloved by many many people the world over. Case in point:

So. Don't judge. Judgy McJudgerson.

Anyway - I probably shouldn't have felt too bad about not going to concerts in high school and such - I was even shorter back then. This was my view at the BNL concert this past summer:
Now - as much as I was there for the music and it was great to "see" them in concert - I was just short enough for that bar to be directly in my way. Concert tickets to see my most favorite band after 12 years of waiting ... $60 a pop, experiences of finally seeing my favorite band after 12 years of waiting... priceless - except for that annoying damn bar.

Next up - Rush. Now, for those of you who know Rush - they rock. You may remember their cameo in "I love you man" ....great movie... I was introduced to them by my dear fiancee a few years ago. They are a total arena rock band who have been putting out LPs since forever. They decided to do a tour this past summer and of course we jumped on the chance to finally see this awesome band in concert. We ended up with lawn seats to see the show... so as before - we ended up hearing the show instead:
It was great to hear them - would have been better to see them - but with the awesome factor of this band and the fact that everyone on the lawn couldn't see them and had this view made it feel ok.

Finally - my biggest pet peeve - general admission concerts. I went to see a band named Cap'n Jazz with my fiancee back in August. Spent $50 a ticket and it was general admission. Scott and I got there an hour before they came on and got the perfect spot. As the lights dimmed and the band came on stage - my view now looked like this:
Come on ugly plaid shirt guy. You've GOT to be kidding me. I've been standing here for an hour waiting for the show to start. You see that I am 5 feet tall and just because you don't see a head above 6ft doesn't mean NO ONE IS STANDING HERE. See those two little pink lights to the right of his head - i think that was the bassist's arm. 

Moral of the story... think before you plant your ass at a concert... Don't be that guy...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Guess who's back... back again...

Hello World.

Sorry I've been a bad blogger - since my last post on August 8, 2010 - quite a bit has happened:

September...I got engaged!
Me and my fiancée next to the bay bridge... 

October ... I went to Hawaii
Paradise Bay.... so pretty.

November ... I celebrated my engagement
...there were sparky outfits...

...and delicious Wegmans cookie cake!!!

December... I got a new job
Amazing - I found a Dilbert cartoon related to DR!!!

January... I went to China
...the quintessential tranquil Chinese garden.

And I moved to Baltimore! (January was a big month...)
The beautiful Baltimore skyline at dusk... my new home!
February... I got lazy and realized that I needed I need to start up my blog again...

...stay tuned friends - more tales from life at 5 feet coming soon! Charm city edition!